About Us
R&Q Publishing
We are the publishing home of quirky, creative and odd children’s storybooks, factual books and arty coffee table books.
For us the quirkier, more creative and odder the better.
We hope our readers will love or even hate our books. R&Q strives to be the advocate against the indifference of the “alright’s” and “ok’s”. We would much rather 50% of you adore and detest our content than have 100% of you think the ideas are just alright or ok!
We hope our books induce a strong reaction and become the new normal in a world that is more interesting and fun because our books have been created and published.
R&Q History
Having designed for the film industry and attending movie premieres, Markus then applied his visual communications skills as a senior designer for a FTSE 100 company before finally designing for a Tech Startup firm.
In 2015, R&Q founder Markus sold everything he owned to travel the world to create and develop his design ideas with no restrictions.
What emerged from Markus’ global adventure, which included finding faces in everyday objects, staying in a Buddhist temple and then with a Taoist Master in the hills of South Korea, was a set of characters and some initial book concepts.
Upon his return to the UK, Markus bought those books to life.
Over a 7-year period and having created his and other author’s ideas into over 20 books, R&Q publishing evolved into life.
It was at the point of collating those books into their R&Q publishing home, that Markus came to the realisation that all his books and any future R&Q books will fall into at least one of three categories; Quirky, Creative or Odd.