
The most unique cosmetic procedure book ever created!

Have you ever wondered if little cycloptic creatures live around us? Have you wondered what humans or animals would look like as cyclops? Have you wondered what happens if a cyclops has a poorly eye? Well wonder no more, this book answers those questions just for you.

Quirky books

Pareidolia - Face in everyday objects book

Finding faces in everyday objects around the world.

Characters with character book

Characters, their personality and life story.

This book is LOUD!

The perfect book to calm a child ready for bed.

Creative books

Characters with character book

Find the amazing in the ordinary everyday.

vOUCHers - Home Edition

Help people meet their emotional needs.

An odd book

Zip Book

A book with a spine that unzips and unfolds

Treat yourself

About R&Q



A passion for publishing quirky, creative or odd art books, factual books and kid’s storybooks is behind all we do.



Looking for the freedom to develop his own ideas with no creative restrictions, Markus sold everything to travel the world.